Robert Mulchrone is 8 1/2 years old. He started piano when he was 5 and violin at 6. Robert is classically trained on violin but plays Traditional Folk music with family and friends. This year Robert played solo violin with the “Stars of Kiwanis” festival at the Jubilee Auditorium and with the “European Masters” at the MRU Leacock Theatre. He joined in the youth Stampede Talent and Heritage Park Centennial Fireworks. He also played an Irish Set with his parents at the tribute to Jack Layton on St Patrick’s Day, joined with the Wayfaring Fiddlers at East Coulee Spring Festival and played solo at the Water Valley Celtic Festival. This summer he travelled in France and studied music at the Centre Escapade Coeur Joie in Vaison La Romaine, in Provence.
Robert’s talents are not limited to music. Last year he joined the Nancy Green Club ski race team and won first place at the COP race and a scholarship. He also enjoys ice-skating, cycling, swimming and tennis and joining in any other fun activities that might be going on!